The WCFM Programming Philosophy

Each gym has their own take on class programming. Read this blog to learn about ours!
Gabriel Rusher
January 16, 2022
The WCFM Programming Philosophy

Over the past few weeks we’ve discussed the body’s three energy systems, the role they play in guiding the workout stimulus, and how these components are important in the development of a well rounded training program. You may wonder what the best way to improve fitness is, and while there is a rough guideline for the implementation of CrossFit, there is significant room for creativity and individuality within these parameters and each gym will have its own unique touch. This week’s blog will discuss WCFM’s approach to programming. 

Our goal is to provide our members a great class experience and a purposeful plan that will allow them to reach their goals whether they are new to fitness or a seasoned athlete. We have sixty minutes with our members each day, and it’s our responsibility to make that time as effective and efficient as possible. That means focusing on what matters the most; building strength, breathing heavily, and cultivating meaningful relationships.

Warm Up: Warm ups are important but should be kept short, simple, and done with intent. Our athletes are here to work, so let’s get to it! 

Movement Prep: The best way to prepare for a movement is to perform variations of that movement with light weight. No need for twenty minutes of stretching and foam rolling. 

Strength: Growing stronger requires consistency. Slowing things down and getting under some weight four to six times per week is the most effective way to do so. Lifting weights during conditioning training is appropriate at times, but it should not replace a structured strength program.

Conditioning: You breathe every waking moment, so it is in your best interest to get better at it! Conditioning should be purposeful. Athletes should clearly understand the intended stimulus of the workout and how to achieve it. 

Flushing: Low intensity movement immediately after a workout will improve recovery and next day muscle soreness. Laying on the floor is tempting, but it won’t get you fitter!

Mobility and Stretching: We find the best way to improve mobility is through specific, active movement, not passive, static holds. Stretching is at times appropriate, but is person-dependent and should not be used in class as a one-size-fits-all.

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